Friday, April 17, 2015

Struggling, Surviving, or Thriving?

Hi all!

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to simply check in. I mean, take some time to reflect on how you feel, and see what you are struggling with, surviving through, or thriving within.
Remember- there is no right or wrong to what you are feeling! You feel what you feel, and admitting to yourself what's going well and what isn't is the first step in figuring out more balance and happiness.
This neat wheel is a great way to start checking in with yourself- and remember, these parts of the wheel can be altered to fit your life in order to best-fit your needs:)                                                                      

Here are a few more tips to move through your check in:

1.) Incubate
Quiet your mind to tap into your deepest intentions; see where this leads.

Become mindful of your thoughts and actions and pay attention to what they tell you about what gives you meaning and a sense of purpose — and look for signs that can point you toward your true path.

3.) Trust
Have confidence in your inner knowing — and in the messages the universe sends you — and allow that knowledge to guide you forward.

4.) Express
Write down your intentions; say them out loud or share them with others to fully embrace them and help you move ahead in your journey.

5.) Nurture
Be gentle with yourself as you try to find your way. Intention isn’t always a straightforward path, just like life, and giving yourself opportunities to try — and fail — is often part of, and even crucial to, the process.

6.) Take Action
Once you’ve identified an intent, or even multiple ones, don’t sit and wait for it to magically manifest; instead take the practical steps that can make each become a reality. It may be easiest to choose one intent first and set short-term goals to help you get started.

Adapted from the Living With Intent by Mallika Chopra. Copyright © 2015. Published by Harmony, a division of Random House LLC, a Penguin Random House Company.

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